outing with my dear batchies! ding tai fung-ed!

xiao long bao is love!

toilet pic how can dun haf siaaaaa

my loves! they are there for me when i need them. be it in sg. or overseas. be it calling to my hotel room or smsing me. where to find!! =)
heaven loft after tt~!

buddy signature pose

bernard n eve in brisbane! woo~ after touch down. damn shag la. so no pic of me! LOl

eve n debra! (eve's uni fren!) ordering our dessert at 3 monkey cafe!

marshmallow cuppucino=D quite shiok leh

almond biscotti cake.

bernard, i-forgot-his-name(opps), debra n eve!

today with jasmine! acc her do nails! shopping gossip eating slacking. woo~

up up bra LOL

its tea break time!! eat free mooncake HAHAHAHAHA.. cheapo us LOL.

a gift from a nice fren jus because im looking for a new keychain !thanks! deliver to my hse somemore lor!
eh im lookin for a new bag leh! LOL hahahahah
n so im activated for shanghai tml! yeah~=D
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